Van Ausdle-Hoffman Piano Co.
Spokane, WA
Try what good music will do for you. Music is the gateway that opens into the Land of promise wherein we find bigger and better things and brighter and more beautiful tomorrows. There is nothing from which we derive so much benefit to ourselves - and therefore to humanity. We carry a large stock of fine, high grade. Come in and see them.
Van Ausdle-Hoffman Music Co.
909 Riverside
Spokane, WA
Everything for band and orchestra. A display of the handsomest and highest quality band and orchestra instruments awaits your inspection at our store. Come in and see them. Made by C.G. Conn Ltd, the world-renown manufacturers. Conns have won highest honors at all world expositions. Used and endorsed by the most famous band men - Sousa, Conway, Innes, Kryl, Creatore, etc. - conductors of the greatest Symphony orchestras as well as the popular jazz kings. And in Spokane, CONN instruments enjoy that same nation-wide popularity for both tone and enduring construction. Spokane's distributers for C. G. Conn Instruments and Musical Goods.