postcard - 1908
Tull & Gibbs
Spokane, WA
LC yearbook - 1920
Spokane's greatest home furnishing store. Pianos, phonographs, records. Your credit is good.
letter - 1927
LC yearbook - 1927
Gifts that have lasting value. Of all material things that surround us, furniture, furnishings and music have the greatest lasting influences on our daily lives. Easy terms are offered here.
LC yearbook - 1928
Build your new year home gifts on easiest credit in Tull & Gibbs' Pre-Inventory sale of furniture. Complete house furnishers.
LC yearbook - 1929
Your Credit is good. All you need for your home comfort. Furniture, home furnishings, radios, phonographs and pianos. Use your credit. Trade in your old furniture.
LC yearbook - 1930
Use your credit at Tull & Gibbs. Spokane's greatest home-furnishing store. Your credit is good.