Sartori & Wolff

Sartori & Wolff
N. 10 Wall Street
Spokane, WA

Congratulations, Graduates of January '29!  We take this opportunity to thank you for the many courtesies we have received at your hand. Whenever an occasion offers for us to help you, don't fail to call on us. Remember, we are your friends.  Your graduation pin - made and sold by Sartori & Wolff.

Sartori & Wolff
N. 10 Wall Street
Spokane, WA

A good place to buy your diamonds... a good place to buy your jewelry.  You can depend on a square deal at Sartori & Wolff, Incorporated.  Makers of fine jewelry.  On the East Side at Wall between Riverside and Sprague.

Sartori & Wolff
N. 10 Wall Street
Spokane, WA

Buy your graduation pins and rings from Sartori & Wolff. "If you don't know jewelry, know your jeweler."  Makers of fine jewelry. 

N. 10 Wall Street
Spokane, WA

No better place to buy your jewelry than at Sartori. Serving the families of the Inland Empire for more than half a century. Master craftsmen in jewelry.

Sartori Jewelers
N. 10 Wall Street
Spokane, WA

At Sartori Jewelers.  Elgin watches as low as $19.95.  MA 4-1756.